Monday, January 23, 2012

What is "5 Star recipes with a minimum wage budget"?

Like with everything that's new to people, there comes questions that need to be answered. And this new blog site that gives "tips" and "recipes" to produce 5 Star recipes with a minimum wage budget is no exception. But of course, before we can define what recipes we can make, we have to define what a minimum wage budget for a shopping list is.

As a chef in training who works part-time a fast food chain, I make 7.25 USD an hour which in the United States counts as minimum wage. For me, that means that at the end of every pay period, I'm making around 145 USD a week. Fortunately, I'm still young enough to live with my family until I can afford to move out. But even still, time comes when I have to pay for my own food. And sometimes, I don't want the usual box macaroni & cheese for dinner. Sometimes, as a chef in training, I would rather be treated to something worthy of a "5 Star" Rating.

So for this blog, my purpose is to create as many "5 Star" meals that work around a 145 USD budget give or take a few dollars. The trick is to make as many of these dishes without having to skip out on all the flavors.

If you have any recipes or meals to be added, please leave a comment below or email at

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